Supporting your business is our business.
The Yancey County Chamber of Commerce fosters a thriving business community and local economy by empowering our members through education, advocacy, and partnerships. We provide a full array of member benefits and offer opportunities to connect, network, and build your business.
Chamber Benefits
Chamber Web Site - In addition to providing area information for visitors and those interested in relocation, our site has a full membership directory. Membership includes an online profile that you can populate with a logo, photos, link to your website or social media, and business description or you can ask the Chamber for support.
Chamber Lobby Display - Chamber Business Members may display promotional material in the Visitor Center lobby. Businesses may also display products available in their businesses in our display case.
Chamber Bucks Program - Chamber members may agree to accept Chamber Bucks gift certificates in our "keep dollars local" program
Referral Program - Chamber members are recommended to visitors and callers and membership directories are provided upon request.
Relocation Packets - The Chamber mails hundreds of relocation packets each year in response to telephone, e-mail and written requests from people considering relocation to our area and many more are given out in the Chamber office. Information is provided on education, the arts, housing, health care, business, government, recreation, and much more.
Guides - Chamber member businesses are included in our Food & Lodging Guide, Realtor Guide, and Relocation & Professional Service Guide sent in relocation packets and included in new home buyer packets and visitor packets.
Co-Op Advertising - Chamber members have the opportunity to partner on local newspaper and radio advertisements and be included in regional tourism publications.
Identity and Credibility for Your Business - Upon joining the Chamber, members are given a membership plaque. We encourage you to display it in your business. Chamber membership conveys trust and credibility to your customers.
Weekly Chamber Update - The Chamber strives to keep its members informed. As a member, you will receive our weekly Chamber Update which keeps you apprised of upcoming Chamber events, timely topics that affect your business, and recognition of Chamber members for awards and milestones in their businesses as well as asking for feedback from members on current issues. The e-news is sent to more than 500 members and friends of the Chamber.
Networking - Business After Hours - In our membership engagement survey in January 2021 the most requested programming was "networking." There is no better way to meet potential clients than through chamber events. Chamber members are notified of regular and special happenings through the e-newsletter and through our broadcast email. A current Calendar of Events is available on the chamber website, www.yanceychamber.com. For information on Chamber-sponsored events, call us at 828-682-7413. The host business has the opportunity to showcase their business.
Social Media - The Chamber has thousands of followers on Linkedin, Facebook, and Instagram. We regularly post updates about the area and our members.
Grand Opening, Ribbon Cutting and Ground Breaking Ceremonies - If you’re opening a new business, relocating, building, or expanding, the Chamber will be on hand to perform your ceremony and promote your business with members and the press. New member businesses are listed in the weekly Chamber newsletter.
Education - Business Breakfast, co-sponsored by Mayland Community College's Small Business Center, the Town of Burnsville, and the Yancey County Economic Development Commission, features several speakers on timely community events and issues affecting the business community. There is also a pre-program networking opportunity.
Calendar - Our website includes an Events Calendar that provides a listing of activities around the county. Members can submit events and happenings to be included, which is a great way to gain exposure for your business.