Become a Member
Make Connections
Gain Exposure
When you join the Chamber you gain a
partner dedicated to helping the business
community succeed.
Benefits of Business Membership
Website Presence - Your membership includes an online profile that you can populate with information or ask the Chamber for support.
Chamber Bucks Program - Chamber members may agree to accept Chamber gift certificates in our keep dollars local program.
Free Referral System - Chamber membership directories are provided in relocation packages and by request. Chamber members are recommended to visitors and callers.
Brochure Display - Business members may display a brochure/rack card or business card in the Chamber lobby as a resource for newcomers and visitors.
Co-Op Advertising - Affordable co-op advertising in local newspaper and publications. Inclusion of business and events in regional tourism calendars. Sponsorship opportunities for Chamber events.
Membership Plaque - Display it proudly in your business so that all know you have made an investment to ensure Burnsville-Yancey County remains a great place to work, live, and visit.
Weekly Email News & Events - Provides up-to-date news about the members, upcoming events, business promotion, and business information.
Chamber Member of the Month - Opportunity to promote your business through as a Chamber Member of the Month.
Logo - Opportunity to add the Chamber Logo to your website.
Networking - Chamber Mixers, Annual Events, Open House and Ribbon-cutting events.
Tax Deduction - Chamber membership may be deductible as a business expense.
What We Do
Advertising - The Chamber participates in numerous state and regional co-op advertisements, brochure distribution, county maps, and trade shows.
Chamber Sponsored Events - Mt. Mitchell Crafts Fair, Christmas Parade, Burnsville Metric, Halloween on the Square, and NC Scholars Lunch.
Scholarship - The Chamber presents two $1,000 scholarships to local high school seniors.
Regional & State Involvement - Member of Southern Tourism Association, Blue Ridge Mountain Host, Blue Ridge Parkway Association, NC Travel Council, North Carolina Association of Festivals & Events.
Local Initiatives - Our partners include local government, Economic Development Commission, NC Dept. of Commerce, High Country Council of Governments, Yancey History Association, JobLink, Mayland Community College, Traditional Voices Group, TRACTOR, Burnsville Public Art, Toe River Arts, PATH, and Blue Ridge Partnership for Children and others.
Committees - Members have the opportunity to serve on the following committees: Crafts Fair, Small Business, Scholarship, Travel & Tourism, Membership, and Events.
Special Services -
Ribbon-cutting Ceremonies
Sponsorship Opportunities
Relocation Lists
Tourism Packages
Visitor Center Display